
St. Louis Treesilience Impact To Date

The 2-year pilot program in St. Louis yielded these amazing results! Will you join us moving forward?


Trees Planted


Homeowners Helped


Trees Pruned


Trees Removed on Private Property


Public Ash Trees Removed

What is Treesilience?

Don’t misread this as tree “silence”. This is about tree “RESILIENCE”!

Treesilience is a national initiative focused on growing healthy urban canopy by empowering tree advocates while simultaneously removing the barriers, such as dead standing trees. The current rollout to North St. Louis City was informed by our pilot program. To read our one page report about what we learned from that pilot program, click here.

Treesilience focuses on:

1) Removing dead or dying trees to create new plantable spaces

2) Pruning large trees to extend a tree’s life

3) Replacing lost tree canopy by replanting trees at a ratio of 2:1

Treesilience offers a solution for homeowners who otherwise could not afford the cost of getting their dead or dying tree removed or their mature tree maintained. However, the purpose of Treesilience is not only about removing hazards for homeowners. The vision of Treesilience is to grow a resilient tree canopy in neighborhoods that need it most.

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Tree Removal &


Stewardship &


April 1 - May 15, 2024

We are actively tabling and canvassing in the focus area. Want to talk with us? Find us at Julia Davis Library and O’Fallon YMCA Rec Complex.

May 16 & May 18, 2024

Orientation dates. MUST ATTEND ONE IN ORDER TO APPLY. Check our Events Calendar to register.

The Big Picture

Current Focus Area

St. Louis Area Partners

To learn more about the national Treesilience initiative visit

Restorative Justice

Processing the harmful impact of environmental injustices and determining what can be done to repair that harm while holding the person, people or systems who caused it accountable. Offering a safe space for healing from tree trauma through acknowledgement and repaired relationships.