Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis)


92 in stock


Type: Deciduous tree

Family: Cannabaceae

Height:40-60 feet

Spread: 40-60 feet

Native Range: Central and Northeastern North America, statewide in Missouri

Ideal Site Requirements:

Soil: moist organically rich well drained soil

Water: Medium to wet

Sunlight needs: Full sun to part shade

Tolerates: Drought, clay soil, wet soil, air pollution

Landscape use: shade tree, street tree, rain garden

Brief Description: Tall with upright-arching branching and a rounded spreading crown, with up to 3’ trunk diameter. Distinct mature gray bark with corky ridges and warty texture.

Wildlife Benefits: Fruits are eaten by birds who spread the seed.

Possible Problems: Hackberry nipple gall is common. Although the galls do not hurt the tree, they often significantly disfigure the leaves. Witches’ broom (dwarfed, dense, contorted twig clusters at the branch ends) is also somewhat common. It also does little harm to the tree, but can be quite unsightly. Powdery mildew, leaf spot and root rot may occur. Watch for lacebugs and scale.

Stand out Features: Tough shade tree that grows well in a wide range of soils.

Read more here.

Additional information

Common Name


Scientific Name

Celtis occidentalis

Native Range

North America


2 to 9


40.00 to 60.00 feet


40.00 to 60.00 feet

Bloom Time

April to May

Bloom Description



Full sun to part shade


Medium to wet



Suggested Use

Shade Tree, Street Tree, Rain Garden






Drought, Clay Soil, Wet Soil, Air Pollution

Jess Underwood
Finance & Operations Director

After 17 years in the non-profit and public sector, Jess remains committed to mission-driven work that tackles the challenges facing our communities. Their career began with a year of service as an Americorps St. Louis Emergency Response team member, responding to natural disasters and performing conservation projects. That foundation of service led to roles supporting the arts, affordable housing, mental health, and grassroots housing advocacy in St. Louis. During this journey Jess has worked to center the value “nothing about us, without us.” They do their best to ensure that the voices of people who have been marginalized guide the strategy and execution of work that honors their lived experiences. When they aren’t working, Jess is out paddling, hiking, working in their garden, or building something.