Type: Deciduous tree
Family: Magnoliaceae
Height:60-90 feet
Spread: 30-50 feet
Native Range: Eastern North America, and southeastern corner of Missouri
Ideal Site Requirements:
Soil: organically rich, well drained loams
Water: Medium
Sunlight needs: full sun
Tolerates: clay soil, wet soil
Landscape use: shade tree, street tree, flowering tree
Brief Description: Large tree with pyramidal to broad conical habit. Flowers often unnoticed as they appear after leaves are developed.
Possible Problems: No serious insect or disease problems. Watch for aphids and scale. Potential diseases include verticillium wilt, mold, mildew and canker. Large aphid infestations result in honeydew secretions on the leaves that provide the growing medium for sooty mold. Trees are fast-growing and somewhat weak wooded, making them susceptible to limb breakage in high winds or from ice/snow. Shallow root system limits the types of plants that may be grown within the drip line.
Stand out Features: Very large shade or lawn tree, flowers are attractive when visible on smaller trees.
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