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Forest ReLeaf of Missouri is sad to announce that the 2024 Arbormeisters event has been cancelled. 

The torrential rain so far this week has created a flooding risk at our Nursery & Arboretum, and the forecast for the next few days calls for additional storms. Even if we are fortunate enough to have clear skies on Saturday afternoon, the state of the grounds will create a safety issue for participants as well as present accessibility challenges. 

We are so grateful for your support, and we want to provide options for our ticket holders. You can do one of three things: 

1. Pick up a party-at-home bag with a T-shirt, beer, and tasting glasses (a lucky few party bags will contain gift cards to local restaurants and businesses!).

Pick-ups can be made at our office (4642 Shenandoah Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110) this Friday, September 27, from 10a to 2p or at the Nursery (2194 Creve Coeur Mill Rd, Creve Coeur, MO 63146) next Wednesday, October 2, from 9a to 1p.

2. Consider your ticket price a donation to our ongoing mission of planting trees and enriching communities.

3. Refunds can be requested through Eventbrite via accessing your emailed tickets; click on “View and Manage Your Online Order” to access the refund option. Please email info@moreleaf.org with questions. 

We could not be more thankful to the sponsors, homebrewers, and craft breweries who make this event so special — and to the attendees who celebrate with us each year. We hope to see you at one of our upcoming tree planting events this fall, and we thank you for your understanding.